perfect 10 - triangle extravaganza

wk 6 mint choc chip + 2 lemon sorbet 4.jpg

Hi everybody! More foodie-inspired blocks for this week’s installment of the Perfect 10 quilt along. That’s the Mint Chocolate Chip block on the left. I sure am getting my share of half square triangles to trim in this quilt! (I do realize that I could have used a minty green print for this block but I didn’t even think of that until I finished the block!) And then we have Lemon Sorbet blocks on the right… more half square triangles to trim, but otherwise, super simple to construct.

I’d love to show more photos, but our weather here has not been photo-friendly lately. And nobody wants to see gloomy photos! I enjoyed a staycation last week and accomplished a bunch of sewing, some cooking and baking (I made my very first fried chicken EVER from Ina Garten’s new cookbook and it was not scary at all) but mostly I did… leaf removal. EEK do we have leaves here! I try to be a good homeowner and I remove them before they start blowing around. I have a neighbor who told me that he likes when our leaves drift into his backyard and it makes him feel like it is fall. Okay… Another neighbor vacuums her lawn (I am NOT kidding, and she has the best looking yard). And then there’s me with the leaf blower, leaf mulcher, rakes, bags, the works. At least my new noise-cancelling headphones have Bluetooth so I can listen to fun music while I work.

But back to the quilt along! I’m sure that y’all know it by now, but in case you forgot, I am using the new Perfect 10 Quilts book from Fat Quarter Shop, along with a bundle of Guest Room fabric by Kristyne Czepuryk for Moda. We have just two more weeks to go until the quilt top gets assembled!